No Good deed goes unpunished!

Posted by Cornelius Sloat on Thursday, 20 November 2008

I am always being reminded the ol'wisdom that no good deed ever goes unpunished. Oh yes, sometimes I wonder if it pays to do good at all and often, the answer is - you WILL PAY for doing good!

Recently we remembered the time when we were noobs, where we have received so much from the established SLers in the form of freebies, free lindens and lucky chairs. So we thought we ought to carry the torch and give back to the community like those before us. Man, did we get reminded how - no good deed every goes unpunished.

So the first thing we did was we had a lucky chair which gave away a random amount of money. It took less than a week before someone came in with a drone of avatars with names covering the whole alphabet, they didn't even bother to use a different surname! So this person came in with 26 avatars, grabbing one price after another. When I noticed it thousands of lindens was already taken - Ouch.

Then a few weeks ago at Halloween, we participated in a grid wide ghost buster's hunt organized by Vain mag. In this special event, we get to give away a special prize and we thought right, people are going to get a whole lot of stuff like pumpkins, bats, failed or old crap that didnt make it to the shelves and those god awful Tee shirts. So why not be generous and give out something nice? - Big mistake!!

So, instead of just doing what a normal person would do, some asshole(s) just stood there and took 50, 60 copies of our items and started reselling them!!! It was terribly annoying because we couldn't punish those other people who were legitimate and terminate our special prize... while at the same time, if we continue, you are totally opened up for people to screw with you! Yes, thats right I said "YOU", the SL resident. These guys actually managed to sell some of our beds while those people could have gotten them for free from us directly!

This is just terribly frustrating, and its turning me into one of those cynics.

It's such a shame that people feel the need to do such things because in the long run all they are doing is totally ruining it for other residents. We want to be able to provide cool prizes and freebies, but why should we when people totally take advantage and try to make a profit off the back of it?

Although I see nothing wrong with someone legitimately purchasing something from one of our stores, using it, getting bored of it, and then reselling it in a yard sale lets say. I totally DO see something wrong with someone taking something free and then charging other people for it!!!!!!

So the question is do we stop giving out prizes and free stuff and let these asshole(s) win, or do we just turn a blind eye to it and accept it as what people do? I suppose the lesson to be learnt is never give out a freebie with transfer perms on!

Right now I'm so angry about it I want to scream!!


Unknown said...

I'm really sorry to hear that someone took advantage of your generosity! The ghost hunt prize you gave out was such a nice one.

If it's any consolation to you, that item has been the talk of the grid and I hope you got lots of new customers from the word of mouth recommendations.

Lanie Recreant

Jazzimus said...

Go get em Corn!

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